Facebook is getting less fun every day. Its like every douche bags heaven. Don't fucking poke me. If I've never let you poke me with your dick, then 100% of the time I'm creeped out when you do it on Facebook. What does that even mean? I may just have my mind in the gutter but all I picture is getting poked by a boner and in my head its always a small one, not a good look. Don't get me started on Facebook chat. If you've tried to message or chat me 8 times and I've never answered, guess what? I'm never going to, time to throw in the towel slugger. If you wouldn't talk to the person in real life, don't talk to them on Facebook. Yes, I'm talking to you creeps I met in middle school that I haven't spoken to in at least 8 years that think its ok to "like" random pictures or chat me all the time. I can see Facebook slowly fizzing out. Soon enough it will fade altogether and end up like MySpace and Xanga, may they rest in peace. See you all on
Twitter soon suckers.
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