Boobs. Do I have your attention? The best accessory a girl can have is a nice rack. If you didn't get em from yo momma I suggest you invest in a good push up bra, or be like Sammi Sweetheart and wear two at the same time. I have no fashion sense, almost every outfit I own I buy because they make my boobs look good. Lucky for me the powers of birth control have blessed me with awesome tits. Most of the time you can find me bra-less and they still look awesome. I understand that in 20 years these puppies aren't gonna be so pretty anymore, without the helps of plastic surgery, so I like to show them off as best I can while I'm still young.
Low cut scandal, prom 2005 |
If your boobs look good you will feel confident and confidence=a lot of attention from boys. If you are lacking in the chest department I have great tips from my pre-birth control days to make sure those bad boys still look awesome. Always stand up straight you slopshow! Good posture makes you look so much better in general but if you're standing tall with your shoulders back and chin up even the ittiest baby boobs will stand out. Always make sure your boobs go out further than your stomach. This should be your tell tale sign that you need to cool it on the chipotle and hit the gym, trust me gf I've been there. No one likes to diet but as Kate Moss says, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." Wear really low cut tops. When you have a smaller chest you can get away with super scandalous wardrobe choices while still looking classy. Peep me at prom, if I wore that dress now I'd look like a prostitute. As a woman one of the greatest joys is showing off your curves, so no matter what your size you better work it girl!
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